Meet the Benders!

Meet the Benders!

We love meeting new people - it’s one of the best parts of our daily grind! Let’s get to know each other a little better...

Name: Macey Onley
Position: Coffee Bender / Director

When it all began: Rich and I officially opened our doors to the public in November of 2021. 

Our ‘Why’: Other than for the love of good, ethically sourced coffee and the dream of working together 24/7, we lucked out when we were given the opportunity to start a cafe within our gym community at The Movement Collective.

Another big reason was that, although we're very aware making a simple cup of coffee isn't going to change the world, we do recognise that we can be a person's first point of contact for that day and we have the opportunity to be a friendly face to help them start it well.

A bit about us: It's just the two of us! We’re a super small business and we try to prioritise fun whenever we can. That normally looks like playing basketball while we roast coffee or having handstand comps at the cafe/gym. We're never really too serious.

What we’re shouting from the rooftops: We love the world of coffee! There's so many different flavour profiles and processes that can truly make your morning coffee something spectacular. So we do get excited over giving our customers the chance to try a coffee that they may have never had the opportunity to try before. In saying that, if your thing is a caramel latte with two sugars then we'd love to make it for you! At the end of the day, coffee is there to be something that adds to your day, whether it's to be shared with a friend or experienced somewhere special - we don't need to get all wanky with it.

We're also really passionate about buying ethically sourced coffee through trusted green bean suppliers. Making sure we are buying the best coffee for our customers and assuring that the farmers are getting paid well is a priority.

What makes it special for us: Rich and I love going out for food or drinks and have
experienced how sharing something super tasty that someone has created can have a memorable impact on you. It's always super rewarding to feel like you've given a customer that same experience.

Another cool thing that we've experienced that I honestly didn't expect in running a coffee bar is when our customers become friends and new communities are formed in our space. It has nothing to do with us but it's fun to see.

Our dreams for the future: We're big believers in collaboration over competition in the coffee industry. So lots more collabs with fellow roasters and brewers is on our wish list for the future.

There's also a necessary push for more sustainable practices which we are excited to be a part of. And overall, buying and roasting more fun coffees and keeping with making good coffee accessible to all.

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