A guide to buying coffee: Single origin versus blends

A guide to buying coffee: Single origin versus blends

Not sure where to start when choosing your beans? Many coffee drinkers get a bit stuck on the question of ‘Single Origin’ beans versus ‘Blends’. Let’s demystify this topic so you can get on with enjoying your brew - just the way YOU like it!

Question 1: How do you drink your coffee? Black or with milk?
A good starting point is to consider how you like your coffee - do you prefer it with milk or without? If milky coffee is your go-to, blend is your friend. Blends are often sold at a cheaper price point and are roasted to be enjoyed with milk. If you drink your coffee black, you can still enjoy a good blend, but single origins will open up a whole new avenue of coffee experiences to explore!

Question 2: How do you brew it?
This one is even more straightforward! Best brew method for blends: Espresso Machine, French Press, and Moka Pot. Best brew method for single origin: Espresso Machine (for black coffee), Pour Over, and Batch Brew.

Question 3: What experience are you chasing? Reliable or curious?
This may sound a bit wanky, but hear us out. Consider the ‘experience’ you’re after: are you looking for a consistent taste that you can count on to get you through the day? Or perhaps you’re wanting to explore different flavour profiles? Due to the processes involved, blends will offer the more consistent brew, whereas single origins will allow you to really explore different flavours and ultimately work out what your favourites may be.

At the end of the day, it’s all about what you want to get out of your coffee. While it can seem like a bit of a minefield, choosing the type of bean for your brew is all about you and your preferences.

We’re always here to help you through the process! Drop in for a chat and we’ll work with you to determine what you want to get out of your brew, so it’s the perfect experience for you!

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